Kids' Outdoor Gear

My best outdoor buddy is my 4 1/2 year old daughter Laura (far right.) She likes to get out and knock around the woods. Finding REAL outdoor gear (not the stuff that looks like outdoor gear) has been a challenge since her first outing last summer.
I found a website yesterday that caters to the kid interested in an active outdoor lifestyle. There I found rain gear, hiking pants, wool socks, hats, floatation devices (PFDs,) etc. FOR KIDS. Awesome.
The site is called Outdoor Kids and so far I've been impressed with the level of service I've received. I'd encourage you to check them out if you've got little ones that could use more appropriate gear for outdoor activity than is usually available at the local sporting goods store and/or outdoor store.
My daughter is going to be blown away when her new gear arrives. She'll be outfitted for those late-winter/early-spring hikes when the weather isn't quite warm and isn't quite cold and can be quite wet. Did I mention that Outdoor Kids offered quite a selection of pink gear? While she does love getting dirty Laura is still a VERY girly girl. :)
Thanks for reading,
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